Maximize your time with
Prepare for your best IGES experience yet with our all-new IGES Connect tool! Available as both a website and app, IGES Connect is designed to enhance your show preparation and streamline your experience while on-site.
Log in to the website and app using the email you entered when you registered and your badge number. You will then be asked to create a new password.

With IGES Connect, you can:
1. Manage your availability
Prevent unnecessary rescheduling and meeting conflicts.
2. Build your event experience
Explore the agenda to further customize your event experience.

3. Familiarize yourself with My Team
- Collaborate with your colleagues to book meetings, review inbound leads, and perfect your company’s digital profile.

My Team is accessible exclusively via the web browser. Access My Team before the event to collect as many Inbound Leads as possible.
Manage your company’s time at IGES 2024
With My Team, you can centralize your team’s engagement with event participants to maximize insights and return on your time at IGES 2024.

Optimize your team’s time at IGES 2024 by consolidating all meeting requests (sent and received), into one unified calendar.
Review Inbound Leads: any event participants who have expressed interest in your company, products, content, or colleagues.
Respond to participant inquiries that have been sent to your company’s profile
Contacts are qualified Inbound Leads. Qualify an Inbound Lead one of two ways: anyone from the company having an accepted meeting or showing mutual interest in the profile.
The first representative of a company becomes the Admin of My Team. Admins can manage their Team’s profiles on their behalf and can upgrade their colleagues to Admin.

Your All-in-One Show Guide

1. Discover IGES 2024
Your central hub for IGES 2024. Access essential information and personalized content.

Ensure you’ve made a connection or confirmed a meeting to initiate chats.

3. Get notified
Never miss an update or opportunity! Turn on your notifications to be reminded of meetings and to receive event updates.

4. Lead scoring and notes
All-in-one view of your leads.