As you've read, our 2020 show happened safely and successfully. If you couldn't attend, that's okay, you can still show your favorite companies in...
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s9800044's Recent Articles
Our 2020 Show Was A Success; We Surpassed Customer Expectations and Sales
Emerald, owner of the International Gift Expo of the Smokies (IGES), and sister event to ASD Market Week celebrated a key milestone for the...
People Need People: Why Trade Shows Matter
Events, conferences, and trade shows may be on shaky ground now, but post-pandemic, the live events will see a revival. Why? People need in-person...
How Online Marketplaces Can Lead to Higher Revenue for Food & Beverage Suppliers
By Allison Ball, Founder & Creator of Retail Ready ASD Market Week is excited to launch The Retail Review, a series of guest articles from...
We’re Colocating with the Smoky Mountain Gift Show
The Shows are ON: Tennessee Market Week Hosts International Gift Expo of the Smokies and Smoky Mountain Gift Show Emerald, owner of the...
Stock Fantastic Food Staples for People Who Want to Cook This Holiday
Your customers have become home chefs and cooking aficionados this year. In 2021, they are taking their newfound home meal prep skills to the next...
6 Things That Matter to Your Customers This Holiday Season
Many of you are probably wondering how the pandemic is going to affect this holiday season. Luckily, the information you need is here! As many...
5 Ways Museums, Zoos & Parks Brought Joy to People During COVID-19
The pandemic is full of negativity, anxiety and hate. Here’s how five cultural organizations and family attractions attempted to combat it and bring...
COVID-19 Will Change How Museums Make Money
Museum revenues were already declining before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has ushered in a new era of planning for cultural organizations and...
How The Cruise Industry is Navigating COVID-19
Until recently, cruises were the fastest growing sector of the travel industry. In the past five years, the demand has increased by 20.5 percent. In...